Glossary of terms used on this site

Like most professions, hearing care often uses terminology, jargon and abbreviations that may be unfamiliar to the general public. To make things easier, we're collating the words and phrases we use on this website into a helpful glossary.

On this website you'll also encounter new words and phrases that are not yet widely used on the Internet. That's because much of the terminology used within traditional hearing care is based on outdated ideas that no longer have a place in the 21st Century, either because they are misleading, discriminatory or have historically negative associations attached to them.

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Term Definition
Someone who is no longer fully connected to life because their hearing has been neglected, either through will or through ignorance.
five key drivers
The 5 key drivers are: 1) what people know about hearing, 2) the language used to express ideas about hearing, 3) the effect (or consequences) of a reduction in hearing, 4) the ability to address that reduction, and 5) the respect people have for hearing. These can be summed up with the acronym K.L.E.A.R. (Knowledge, Language, Effect, Ability, Respect).
Hearing that sounds fuzzy, not tuned-in, dulled, muffled or unclear.